Sunday, April 6, 2014

Alex and Rebecca Norris Webb newest books

So this morning I had the rare opportunity to see the unbound version of Alex and Rebecca Webbs' new book Memory City and their Aperture Press book during brunch.
The book  Memory City is an stunning collaboration of vibrant colors, complex vision and ghostly images.
There are some real magical aspects of the book, with powerful text.
The color and black and white plates are incredibly  printed, with a wonderful surprise for the viewer.
The best part the book is the right size to lay in bed and look at! 

The  second unbound book  I was able to look at was  Street Photography and the Poetic Image. By Alex and Rebecca Norris Webb, published by APERTURE.
The book delves into the aspect of making images and the meaning behind the image.
My own take on the book is that this will be one of the most powerful books to come onto the shelves in a long time since Susan Sontags' book On Photography.
It is small enough to travel with and a hardy cover to boot!
This will be a great book for street photographers and personal visionaries. 

What is stunning is two book in one year! 

Thanks gang!