Thursday, April 4, 2013

PHOTO Montage, dada, tada and social issues and others...

So April is here...

 Busy in Darkroom and Montage Room printing works.  No photoshopped work, do to $$$. So making do with old style of Montage, some of the work blends well others need more contrast, in some subjects.  Also photographed the Motherwell studio before the building gets deconstruction for new owners, the floor will be covered over.

Reading and researching works by Jeff Wall and Philip Lorca di Corcia, Also looking at Montage works from show at MET (closed) called  Faking It.  New Books for my Library are Jeff Wall MoMA, Di Corcia ELEVEN, ICA. Garry Winogrand SFMoMA show and New York Color.

Met with Mentor and had good meeting talked of works styles and ideas.

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